Worldwide Java Jag: The Fields Doctrine

Friday, July 14, 2006

The Fields Doctrine

Forget the Bush doctrine of preemptive strikes against enemies. If that policy was really operative, the Israelis would have toppled Hamas the day after the election. On the Lebanese front, they would have bombed the rocket batteries and sites the day after their installation. The operative doctrine in the Arabs’ mind these days, the doctrine the Muslim fanatics have laid down, is the “Fields Doctrine,” loosely translated as never give an occupier an even break.
Into the vacuum of the Gaza and South Lebanon security zone withdrawals came armed menace with cross-border ambitions. Instead of peaceful societies joyous at their liberation, angry jihad-bent fanatics decided to use the newly acquired territory as a forward line to punish the Israelis for their naivete. The Western mind often does not learn from experience. Recall the images played a thousand times on our TV screens of the Al Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan. What did anyone think they were training for? What did anyone think the thousands of rockets in Lebanon were for but to be used against the Israeli North? Why did no one take Hamas at their word when they called for the reclamation of all the Wafa lands.
So now we can see the results of this denial…war. It’s Israel against Hamas and Hezbollah, who are now stronger and better armed then ever. It’s as if a cancer was growing on your nose, and after it reached the size of a walnut you were shocked that it spread and you were going to die. How foolish for the Israelis not to have warned the world years ago they were not going to tolerate thousands of missiles on their border.
That was then, this is now, so what is really going on? In Gaza, it’s the IDF version of “shock and awe”: They are trying to shock Hamas into understanding that they have absolutely no regard for anyone's life at all. Men, women, and children who are adjacent to the homes, offices, or workshops of the jihadists can and will be killed instantly and without remorse. The recent IDF press conference where they blamed Hamas for “hiding behind civilians” was more than an explanation, it was a warning. The awe part is to instill in Hamas and their supporters that there are no limits to this campaign. The half-ton bomb dropped on the “foreign ministry” must have made even Mahmoud al-Zahar a believer that this is serious. It’s doubtful that he will be having any more press conferences out in the open, as foreign correspondents are not big on martyrdom’s future attractions.
What about Lebanon? The brilliance behind the airport airstrike is impressive if you understand Beirut. There are thousands of Caucasian prostitutes working day and night there; the city is Vegas with white slavery. Courtesy of the late Soviet Union and its ex-satellites, desperate but stunningly beautiful white women are now servicing petro-rich Saudi, Kuwaiti, and other Arab men. This is a huge, lucrative business for the Lebanese. The Israelis figure that if one sultan gets pissed off that he can’t have his doggie-style threesome with his Natashas his anger will turn to Sheik Nasrallah. He will want to kill this idiot for ruining his fun. These Saudi sultans and their mafia-style brothel owners have a good thing going in Beirut, and Hezbollah may just pay for ruining it. This is a more powerful force than the feckless Lebanese army.
The attack against Israel on two fronts was all completely predictable, the logical outcome from not listening to what people are saying and doing. Over and over again the West refuses to believe that what the Islamists are saying will be translated into reality…until it is. The Israelis are now in no mood to listen to words; they want their soldiers back, and if they have any good sense left they will destroy all those who participated in the attacks upon their sovereign nation.
The Islamists only understand force; words are indicators of weakness. The very act of negotiating signifies capitulation and fear. If Hamas and Hezbollah return the men alive and well, then the Israelis will have proved their point and won a round. If the men are not returned and Gaza is destroyed and Hamas toppled, if Lebanon is a wasteland and Hezbollah shattered, that too is a victory and one that came sooner rather than later.
This is unfortunately only an opening act in the larger drama, as the West is not listening to what Iran is saying, and when the time comes to respond to them not with words but with actions, millions may have died, with the world brought to the brink.


At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happens when Israel learns the soldier is already dead?

At 12:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

JR - I'm not sure it's that the Israelis and the US don't "believe" what the Islamicists are saying - it's that they both are playing to the Pseudo-Euro-Pacifists. As we both know, we live in two worlds: the "real" world where hard, cold, (and often deadly) calculus is required, and the "other" world where the "West" play-acts living in a harmony and diplomacy. It's not too different than a cult (take your pick - Jones in Guyana, the Branch Dividians, etc. etc.) professing to be full of peace and flowers, while behind the curtain, the boss is sodomizing someone.
So it continues to be useful to maintain the fiction that even the most vitriolic Islamo-Fascist can sit at the table with the rest of us to "discuss" plans for the future. It is also to placate our "allies" - the French, German, British primarily - and keep their still simmering anti-Americanism from boiling over.
However, it is my opinion that everyone in the West knows EXACTLY where the truth lies, and just how dangerous the Jihadists are. As such, although I can't prove it - and have no access to them - I am completely convinced that the US and the Israeli's have been, and are continuing to prepare for whatever worst case comes down the pike. If this means massive bombing raids of Iranian nuclear development sites - or Israel destroying half of Syria - then that's what will occur. For the moment - and for the foreseeable future - Israel and the US remain capable of 'winning' any military conflict in the region - though this would of course mean destruction on a scale not seen since WW-II. Because of this, dropping the hammer on the Lebanese, Syria, Hezbollah, etc. will be delayed until the last possible moment. No one wishes to see death and suffering on such a massive scale - EVEN if it is necessary for (as Bob Marley said) "the victory of good over evil".
So as frustrating as it is to watch unfold, the alternative is just as frightening.
You know that I've always had a realistic world view - even back in the real old days - and part of that is the underlying principle for people, and nations: survival at (virtually) any cost. And we both know that if Israel is ever threatened with destruction (haven't we had this discussion before?) they have the means to assure that their attacker/aggressor is also destroyed - the very workable concept of "mutually assured destruction". This scary balance kept the US and USSR from devouring each other - and is usually enough for any sane nation to understand.
The difference now is that it is possible (but extremely difficult) for deranged Islamicists to put together WMD's - and then USE THEM because they are truly insane.
This is where the asymmetry of the Islamic Crusade against the West (the tables have certainly turned again!) is so terrifying. All it takes is 10 or 20 unified, deluded, suicidal, and funded terrorists to unleash Armageddon.
I KNEW it would never happen between the US/USSR. Launching a nuclear strike (or even a conventional raid) took a team of vetted people to effect - and had numerous redundant safety stops. So if any leader in either country completely lost his marbles (e.g. thought he was on a mission from "God" and would go to heaven for it) and tried to get to and 'push the button' - the people surrounding him would wind him up in duct tape and have the folks in the white coats take him secretly away. But today is totally different....

In any case JR - I have a feeling that this eruption will fizzle out after some more blood has been shed. I HOPE I'm right because I prefer peace - even a tense, unsteady one - to what could amount to another terrible war. And as I've said above - if it came down to it, Israel or the US - or the two of us - could crush and destroy these idiots as if they were cockroaches.

Finally (this is WAY too long) - I wrote this in another comment before - the real mystery to me - as you say - is why the Palestinians (and Lebanese, and all these crazies) don't try to BUILD their countries, families, and lives - why they are willing to sacrifice their children for vague and unobtainable illusions.... As a parent I can think of no greater crime.



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