Fall’s New Fashion Color: Ulm Blue
Last week was fashion week here in New York, but the real style news came surprisingly out of Southern Germany. Forget the last few years’ captured Islamic jihad fighters’ Guantanamo orange; that’s so over. Germany’s police have given us a new fall look in incarceration: photos taken literally from the (helicopter) runway, show it to be a deep hued blue. The color and one-piece pattern were reminiscent of European worker garb, you know van drivers delivering fresh baked bread, farmers on their tractors, Gauloises hanging from their mouths. This retro blue jumpsuit look must be all the rage in the intelligence community.
Speaking of rage, it’s also clear that the historical self-loathing and violence prone European youth have found Islam as the new cover for their cultural angst. A hundred years ago it was anarchism and bomb throwing nihilists who wanted to blow up the establishment. The communists and their bombs set to detonate against banks and royalty alike were next. After WWII, the Germans had the radical murder-prone Bader Meinhoff gang and the Italians their Red Brigades. Train stations and politicians alike were targeted. This phenomenon was American too as SDS bomb makers and Symbionese Liberation Army kidnappers kept up the struggle.
"So last year"

The updated disaffected include England’s Islamic convert Richard Reid, in America the just convicted Jose Padilla (aka Muhajir Abdullah), and now Germany has Fritz Gelowicz and Daniel Schneider. Clearly the Whabbi mosques with their murder prone Imams have reached out to deeply unhappy youth as tools with good cover for their lethal plans. Once again, as we have been stating for years now, it was a local mosque (surprisingly now actually closed) and its attendant Islamic Jihad Union that provided the indoctrination and training in hate. Once again a Whabbi fort deep in the heart of Europe reached out to find and send killers on the path to jihad.
It’s also clear from the travel plans of this group that Pakistan is the new Afghanistan, a country with Islamic training camps clearly operating in the open. When there is a successful attack on European or American soil, will we air the same videos of these places we did after 9/11? What makes Waziristan so special that it cannot be invaded and Osama and the Al Quada leadership taken down. Pakistan is already destabilized. These Saudi interlopers have tried to kill Musharraf at least six times. They have bombed key cities all over the country. They have sent their suicide bombers to destroy the will of the intelligence and armed forces. They have killed hundreds praying in mosques.
"Totally in"

You would have thought the lesson of 9/11 was “If you know they are training to kill you…they will… so disrupt them first.” Clearly, if Gelowicz and Schneider could find these camps, then western intelligence can too. Luckily, these two were followed on their return, monitored and apprehended.
By the nature of the press releases and the comments from the media, this plot seems to have been taken very seriously. For the Europeans who have been at the forefront in criticizing the treatment of the Guantanamo detainees to immediately put these suspects into the same immobilization clothing says volumes. No one looking at the photos of the hooded, shackled, completely overwhelmed Jihad warriors, surrounded by machine gun toting guards in face masks could fail to get the message… this is serious. That was probably the intent. The message in the medium to European Moslems, “If you don’t want to end up in this situation, be careful about which mosque you attend. Be wary of Jihad. Trips to Pakistan are being watched.”
So the Germans and the West dodged another bomb, and we were able to enjoy a peaceful fashion week here in New York because the latest fall colors and styles were being shown elsewhere in the hot new fashion capitol of Ulm.
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