There are times I cannot properly contemplate all the events the world presents. Like an express train that just passes by local stops, the events come so fast and furious that they blur. Where should begin an analysis; should it be chronological or based on importance? If it were the latter, the events in Tibet would have to rank first, far above the New York Governor’s libido issues.
The stupendous courage, the incredible bravery of the Tibetans, yearning for the return of their culture and country, is one of the most uplifting events of our time. Decades after the most brutal repression of modern times was visited upon the most pacific and spiritual of all countries, there is still the yearning for freedom and identity amongst the Tibetans. Successfully buried by the Chinese and the rest of the world, especially its left wing European intellectuals, who used the heavy rug of Zionist distraction, the Chinese almost got away with their crimes.

The upcoming Durban racism conference and Israeli bash will now have to avert any gaze east, lest it look squarely in the face of real repression. The Dali Lama was being his gentle understated self when he called the Chinese policy in Tibet “cultural genocide.”
Worse, the acts of the Chinese government, stifling all reporting, banning foreign observers from the scene, and suppressing all internet reporting have to go down as true chutzpah in the era of the www. So we ask, why are the flags of solidarity that are flown for the Palestinians absent for the Tibetans in the French Lycees? Why are the London pro-Hizzbollah marchers not showing support for the unarmed and now dead Tibetan monks? Tibet is the control in the experiment that European concern for Palestinians is based on anti-Semitism. The destruction of monasteries, the suppression of religious orders, the banning of ancient Buddhist practices, the forced dislocation of millions of people, and the insertion of the Han Chinese are crimes against humanity that are of a magnitude immeasurably greater than anything Israel has done against a violent entity sworn to deny its existence.
For that matter, where is the U.N., that august institution that has the time and inclination to pass scores of condemning resolutions against Israel for every defensive action taken against an opposition army? Probably the same place the Lycee students are, hiding in the closet of hypocrisy and lies, cowering against the giant (and nearly extinct) panda of China.
I for one am trying to continue my decades long boycott of Chinese goods. It’s a rogue state, against everything decent: freedom of speech and thought, human rights, the environment, fair dealings abroad… and now this re-crushing of a bi-cameral people whose religious identity is a five thousand year old connection to a better place than this one.
On to Pakistan. Osama has clarified something for World Wide Java Jag. For weeks I have been watching the horror of Islamic terror bombing against civilians in Pakistan unfold juxtaposed against the Danish cartoons while wondering about Jihadi priorities… now I know. While we are all distracted by the mortgage mess, hundreds of totally innocent men, woman, and children have been slaughtered by Muslim bombers in Pakistan. The savagery has been profound. Weddings, schools, office buildings and even funerals have been attacked. Heads have been blown off, limbs severed, flesh seared and babies incinerated. Yet not a word from the Mullahs or a protest from the endless mobs who form at the drop of an insult against their Prophet. No fiery preachers calling for an end to the slaughter of Muslim children.

Think of the countless photos of outraged Pakistanis burning Danish flags. Picture the mobs ransacking embassies. They’re all quiet, as if it’s OK to slaughter their own if it’s for the cause of Islam. The murder of women is halaal and a cartoon is haraam? I shook my head for weeks over this until yesterday, when out of the blue, Osama actually addressed the issue. It’s as if he were reading my thoughts and reached out to clarify the conundrum for me. He said, “Yep, it’s worse,” by warning the “intelligent” Europeans of “severe action” against them and their cartoonists. He said it was “worse than anything.”
If there was a shred of doubt at how completely depraved the Islamist Jihadi’s mindset has become, this has to remove that doubt. Horrific infant deaths vs. cartoons, and this is understandable to tens of millions of Pakistanis. The Whabbi mindset has won in Pakistan; the world will reap the results.
One courageous voice gives a little hope for humanity in these dark times. Angela Merkel’s address to the Israeli Kinesset was an act of supreme Churchillian courage in its breadth and scope. It’s just so non-PC to say anything nice about Israel in Europe. Also, Germany has a large, angry Arab population, and German industry has trade ties (for all sorts of technology that could end the world as we know it) with Iran that are strong and profitable, not to mention the need for Iranian oil. Yet this woman stood up and slapped Ahmadinejad in the face by apologizing for the Holocaust, something he denies. It’s a biological wonder to see modern European leaders like Merkel and Sarkozy regenerate a spine by showing solidarity with Israel, a country often despised by their constituents.
Merkel and the Dali Lama deserve the Nobel Peace Prize, and all those who bless Hamas, bless the Chinese, and bless the Whabbi Imans, deserve something else.
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