We need graphics. It’s hard for words to express the anti-Israeli vitriol encircling the world.
Let’s take a little tour of our strife torn planet for a minute and focus in on some of the bloodshed taking place. Let’s start with Africa and the twin conflicts of the Sudan and the Congo.
In both wars, the primary intended victims are civilians. Machetes are getting dull from the hacked off limbs of women and children. Hordes of murderous men descend on villages and burn, kill and rape with total impunity. Mass rape, genital mutilation, sexual enslavement and the spread of AIDS have overwhelmed millions of Africans. Bob Herbert in the New York Times calls it the “The Invisible War.” I beg to differ. I think it’s the “Occluded War.”

Hundreds of thousands left without water, food or shelter. Hospitals shelled and bombed. Schools the target of artillery. The diseases of opportunity ravage civilians as they huddle for shelter in makeshift tents awaiting aid from someone, anyone, who cares from the world outside. Where is this place? Gaza’s Beit Lahiya or Jabaliya? No, it’s Shri Lanka, as the Shri Lankan army goes after the last vestiges of the Tamil rebels. The horrific images are broadcast around the world as the reporters and witnesses send out their reports. On and on it goes for weeks now and it gets worse as the encirclement tightens against the Tamils with the civilians caught in between. Protests in Europe? Concern in Malaysia? Marches in Greece? Nah, no one cares. Not a finger is lifted or pointed by anyone in the human rights community. You would have to dig real deep into the foreign policy world to find a pulse of protest against this large-scale human tragedy.
An entire people ensnared and trapped in a police state. A five thousand year old culture with the jackboot of oppression weighing down on its neck. Religious oppression, razed monasteries, deported monks and midnight kidnappings. An entire country closed off to the world and the media. An imposed ban on language and reading materials, not to mention travel and speech.

So what’s with the graphic? What we need is to create a graphic showing the number of hacked off limbs, raped pre-pubescent girls, murdered women and children, starved babies and silenced people vs. marchers and protesters, add to this vs. pundits of talk shows. This would be an easy to understand index, the kind that the media love. Like the Case-Shiller home price index. You could use photos of feet and shoes perhaps to illustrate the protesters, and marchers. Corpuses or jail cell bars could show the level of violence. Starvation could be a withered corpse. It’s hard to graphically depict rape but perhaps a depiction of a woman with tears and blood would do.
The purpose of the graphic index? To blow the cover of the world’s anti- Semites and anti-Israeli bashers as they protest. Boycott and riot (as in Malo, Sweden) about Israel and give cover to the worlds greatest human rights criminals. I would argue that these Europeans and Turks and Canadians are in fact accessories to crimes against humanity, as their focus on the Palestinians gives succor to the African armies of slaughter and the Shri Lankan’s and certainly the Chinese. They count on the world’s distraction centered on the Palestinians to preoccupy the human rights groups. Witness Durban II now.
It’s time for someone to demonstrate to those concerned about the Palestinians, that perpetrators of unimaginable horrors are using them without their consent. Hopefully, I will get this graphic index up and running soon.